In the previous blog, we had shown you a tool called StormBreaker but we had told you only how to capture a photo with it. This time we will show you that how you can grab the password of the victim’s computer with this tool. And there are also other features in this tool but we can’t make a blog on every single feature because you have to try something yourself. So let’s start!

Disclaimer: Please don’t use this tool for bad purposes. If you do so we are not responsible for anything.

Performing Tool

In the first part of Stormbreaker, we had shown you how to install and set up the tool also. So In this blog, we will only show you how to use the password grabbing feature. If you didn’t install the tool then you can see our previous blog…

So first open your terminal and go inside the tool’s directory then start the tool. The command to start the tool is – ( python3 ). After that here you have to select option no. (3) OS Password Grabber [WIN-10].

Now you will get a link just copy it and send it to your victim. When the person will open that link it will give another link which will be a youtube URL.

Now if the victim clicks that youtube URL then he/she will have no other option than typing their password because the tool will lock their windows. And we all know that if the operating system gets locked then we have to type a password to unlock it. The same lock screen will appear which is in the image when somebody clicks on that link.

Now if the victim types his password then it will automatically be shown into your terminal.

If you have any problem with our blog so you can comment to us we will try to fix it.

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