Today we are going to show how to install and use ngrok because it is the most important thing in hacking. Most of the hacking tools can’t work without ngrok because it gives you a link that you can send to your victim and you don’t have to send virus files that can be caught easily by the victim’s system. So let’s start!

Why do we need separate Ngrok?

We need ngrok separately because in most of the cases the hacking tools didn’t give us the link which we can send to our victim. So in ngrok’s website, there is an Authtoken that you can paste in that particular tool and if the tool didn’t give you the link then you can go into that tool’s directory and start the ngrok separately for making virus links…

Ngrok Installation

So now go to your browser and type ngrok then click on the first link or you can go to the website by clicking on this link also – ( ). Then you have to signup on this website but, with your TempMail if you don’t know what temp mail is so it is a website that gives you a temporary mail with which you can signup that websites which you have to use one time.

You can go to the Temp mail website by this link and copy the temporary mail – ( )…

Why we need TempMail to sign up: You have to sign up with temp mail on this website because on this website you will make more accounts every time. Because you can use your Authtoken only one time and if you paste the same auth token in every tool so your tools will give you the error. So you have to make temporary accounts for taking the new Authtoken…

Now after signing up you have to download the ngrok from there. Then you have to extract the zip file of ngrok and after that, you can start ngrok from the terminal by going inside that directory where you have saved your ngrok.

Note: If a tool doesn’t have a ngrok file also so you have to paste the ngrok file inside that tool’s directory.

Performing Tool

Now you just have to come inside the directory where you saved the ngrok file and then type this command –
( ./ngrok http 3333 ). If you are using ngrok for a hacking tool then you have to type the port that tool will give you…

After that, an interface will open where you will see two links. First is HTTP link and second is HTTPS, so you have to select your choice but HTTPS is more genuine so the people can easily trust you.

So now you know that if a hacking tool didn’t make a payload link by itself so we can make it by ourselves. Just make the link and send it to the victim…

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