In this article, you will read about how to use HiddenEye in Linux which is one of the most advanced phishing tools in Hacking. It has almost every phishing page of every platform like social media phishing pages, games stores, and even the login pages of the games themselves. We will only show you how to use hiddeneye in Linux…

Disclaimer – This blog is for educational purposes only, If you do anything illegal then we are not responsible for it…

What Is Phishing?

Phishing is a type of social engineering attack that “BLACK HAT HACKERS” use to steal user data like usernames, passwords, login credentials even ATM card details.

What is HiddenEye?

HiddenEye is a modern phishing tool with advanced functionality and multiple tunneling services. HiddenEye contains 38+ phishing websites login pages like Facebook, Instagram, Xbox, and has a Keylogger feature also…

Below is the Table Chart of How many Tunneling options you have in HiddenEye and what are requirements you need to install…

Tunneling OptionsPREREQUISITES
1. LOCALHOSTPython 3
3. SERVEONgrok
5. LOCALTUNNEL (Package Version)

Firstly, go to your browser and search ” HiddenEye Github ” then click on the first website coming from Github. You can either go on the website by this link – ( ).

Open your terminal and go to the destination where you have to download the tool by typing ( cd <path> ). Now type this command to clone the tool ( git clone )

After then, you have to come inside the tool’s directory by typing this command ( cd HiddenEye ). Now run HiddenEye by command ( python3 ).

How to Grab Password with HiddenEye?

In the starting, it will ask you to write “I accept EULA” so type it and let the process be continued…

Now you can see there are so many websites templates from which we are going to use the “Instagram login page”.

Follow the steps below to use the phishing page: –

So select the number of phishing page and press enter. We are pressing no.8 for Instagram but you have to press your phishing page number…

After that select which type of phishing page you want by writing their numbers…

Now it shows you this interface on your system screen and here you have to type ( A )…

Type a redirection URL that will redirect your target to a given website or link. Then type a port number but between [ 1024 – 65535 ]…

Now you have to select the port-forwarding option but there are only two options working. First is Localhost and second is Ngrok, so type ( 01 ) for using it over the internet…

After that, there is your Localhost link and the Ngrok link so copy the ngrok one and send it to your victim…

Now if the victim types his credentials on your Instagram phishing page then it will be saved and shown on your terminal…

This is what the Phishing page of Instagram looks like –

You can check our other blogs on Phishing tools by visiting this link –

If you have any problem with our blog so you can comment to us and we will try to fix it…

Made by Dhruv Bansal

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