Do you know we can run windows software in linux operating systems. Probably, you will think that it’s not a big issue we can run windows softwares in linux. But, what if we say that you don’t have to write several commands for installing a single software. Yes! you can do it with the help of ” Wine “ tool, it is an old tool but it can run most of the software which you can think of. So let’s start!

Tool Downloading

So 1st you have to download a software name wine so type this command ( sudo apt install wine ) and hit enter…

After downloading type wine and you can see a message from wine it says ” wine32 is missing ” so type the command ( sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386 ) then hit enter…

Now type ( sudo apt update )

Now type the last command ( sudo apt install wine32 -y ) and hit enter. It takes 4-5 minutes for installing…

Download setup file of the software which you want to use for example we are downloading notepad++…

After downloading the setup file come on your terminal and go to the destination where your setup file is saved. Our file is saved in “Downloads” directory. So we are going here ( cd Downloads/ )

Now type ( wine < setup file name > )

Now in a few seconds, your setup will be opened…

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