Gootkit is a type of banking Trojan that has been targeting financial institutions and online shoppers since 2014. In the past few years, Gootkit has evolved with new components and obfuscations, making it harder for security researchers and anti-malware software to detect and remove. In this blog post, we will discuss the latest developments in Gootkit malware and how organizations can protect themselves from these threats.

Key Components of Gootkit Malware

Gootkit malware consists of several components, including a dropper, a loader, and a C&C server. The dropper is responsible for downloading and installing the malware on the target system, while the loader ensures the persistence of the malware. The C&C server is used by attackers to control the malware and steal sensitive information from the infected system.

New Obfuscations in Gootkit Malware

Gootkit malware has been using new obfuscations to evade detection by anti-malware software. For example, the malware has been using encrypted communication channels to hide its C&C traffic, making it harder for security researchers to detect and analyze the malware. Additionally, Gootkit has been using code obfuscation techniques to make its code harder to reverse-engineer and understand.

Impact on Organizations

Gootkit malware poses a significant threat to organizations, especially those in the financial services sector. The malware can steal sensitive information, such as login credentials and financial data, from the infected system. This can result in financial losses for the affected organizations and their customers.

Protection against Gootkit Malware

Organizations can protect themselves against Gootkit malware by implementing the following best practices:

  • Keeping software and systems up to date with the latest security patches
  • Implementing multi-factor authentication for online accounts
  • Using anti-malware software with up-to-date signatures
  • Training employees to be aware of phishing and other social engineering attacks
  • Regularly backing up important data to minimize the impact of a malware attack


Gootkit malware continues to evolve with new components and obfuscations, making it harder for security researchers and anti-malware software to detect and remove. Organizations should be aware of these threats and implement best practices to protect themselves against Gootkit and other banking Trojans.

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