On May 9, 2023, the Wisdom of Crowds organization hosted the largest in-person cyber attack tabletop security exercise in London. 100+ people from government, healthcare, and financial services took part in the activity.

The exercise simulated a sophisticated cyber attack on a large financial institution. To access the institution’s networks, the attackers employed some strategies, such as phishing, malware, and social engineering. Once they had access, they were able to steal sensitive data and disrupt operations.

The participants in the exercise were divided into teams and tasked with responding to the attack. They had to work together to identify the attack, contain the damage, and recover from the incident.

The exercise was a valuable learning experience for the participants. They learned knowledge about the most recent cyber threats, how to defend themselves against an assault, and how to enhance their incident response procedures.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the exercise:

  • Cyber attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated.
  • A set-out incident response plan must be in place.
  • Communication and collaboration are essential during an incident.
  • Training and awareness are key to preventing cyber security.

The Wisdom of Crowds organization is planning to host more cyber attack tabletop exercises in the future. These tests are an effective technique to aid organizations in being ready for and responding to cyber-attacks.


What hit during the largest tabletop security exercise in London?

Businesses and organizations of all sizes face an increasing threat from cyberattacks. The WannaCry virus and the Equifax data breach are two of the most notable cyberattacks in recent years.

These assaults have made the value of cyber security more apparent. To protect their information and operations, businesses must be ready to respond to cyberattacks.

The Exercise of Security

The Wisdom of Crowds cyber attack tabletop exercise was a valuable opportunity for organizations to learn about cyber threats and how to respond to them. The exercise simulated a sophisticated cyber attack on a large financial institution. The participants were tasked with responding to the attack and containing the damage.

The exercise was a great success. The audience members gained a lot of knowledge about online threats and defensive measures. They also gained valuable experience in working together to respond to a cyber attack.

Key Takeaways

There were several key takeaways from the exercise. These include:

  • Cyber attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated.
  • A properly set out incident response plan must be in place.
  • Communication and collaboration are essential during an incident.
  • Training and awareness are key to preventing cyber attacks.


The Wisdom of Crowds cyber attack tabletop exercise was a valuable learning experience for the participants. They got information on the most recent cyber threats, how to defend themselves against an assault, and how to enhance their incident response strategies.

The Wisdom of Crowds organization is planning to host more cyber attack tabletop exercises in the future. These training sessions are a useful tool for assisting businesses in preparing for and responding to cyber-attacks.

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